Principle of PRP:

PRP (Plasma Rich Platelets) facial injection or “Vampire Lift” is a popular non-invasive procedure that uses your own blood to stimulate your cells. Plasma contains growth factors that can improve hydration, increase cell turnover, collagen production and elastin for firmer, younger and brighter skin. It can also be injected into the hair to improve thickness and shine. Finally, it can be injected into the hands to improve texture and hydration.

Benefits of PRP:

  • Improved hydration, shine and texture of the skin on the face, neck and hand
  • Treatment of acne scars, fine lines and pigment spots
  • Improvement of the color of dark circles
  • Increased hair density, thickness and shine and prevention of hair loss
  • Improvement of vaginal hydration
  • Improved wound healing

Dr. Lucas uses World PRP ® devicel, which generates one of the most platelet-rich plasmas of any kit available.


A tube of blood is taken from the arm (same procedure as a blood draw). Then, this tube is centrifuged to separate the red blood cells, the plasma poor in platelets and the plasma rich in platelets. An appropriate anesthesia is performed and then the PRP is reinjected into the superficial dermis by micro-needles (similar to those used for Botox®) every 5 mm.


Time to final results: 3 – 6 weeks
Longevity of results: 6-12 months

Before surgery:

Stop smoking at least 2 weeks before surgery
Do not take Aspirin 10 days before surgery, inform Dr. Lucas of any anticoagulant medication (Sintrom, Coumadin, Eliquis, etc..) to arrange for its discontinuation or replacement.

Take Arnica capsules 5 times a day for 5 days before the operation if you are prone to bruising.

Intervention :

Pain: the pain during the intervention will be almost non-existent, with an adapted anesthesia
Duration of the procedure: 60 minutes
Anesthesia: topical by cream or local by nerve blocks
Location: office
Outpatient (without hospitalization)

After the procedure:

Post-operative pain: no
Social eviction: no (sometimes small hematomas for a few days)
Return to work: immediate
Return to sport: 2-3 days

Instructions :

Take Arnica capsules 5 times a day for 5 days after surgery to prevent hematoma.
Control Dr Lucas 3 weeks.
If hair injection, avoid hot water and shampoo for 48 hours


Infection, hematoma
Nerve or vessel damage




PRP benefits